COVID-Related Mental Health and Other Resources

Mental Health Resources During COVID-19

 Specific to Healthcare personnel  (HCP)

■      Institution specific: check first with your hospital system first for free/confidential support (e.g CopeColumbia-

■      Physician support line: Free, confidential support via psychiatrists (created by docs), everyday 8am-3am: 1-888-409-0141

■      Free groups therapy for front-line workers:

■      Free group therapy, 4 -weeks CBT/DBT skills for MDs to increase resilience: and

■      Apps for HCPs w/NPI :

–      Headspace (free)-

–      Ten Percent Happier (Free, also for grocery, delivery, warehouse workers + educators)- 

For Everyone (including HCPs)

■       NYS-specific: OMH COVID-19 Emotional Support Helpline: Free, CONFIDENTIAL 844-863-9314

■      Targeting Black Americans w/ barriers to care: Free

■      HOPE Center Harlem Crisis Text Line “WORTHY” to 741741, Virtual Check-in on Facebook Live Tues/Thurs and Mindfulness Sessions Tuesdays at 2pm

■      NYC WELL: 24/7, 200 Languages, Free, Confidential, Can get referral  Call 1-888-NYC-WELL, Text “WELL” 65173

■      Dr. Joanna Fava’s Emotional Survival Guide for COVID-19

■      Coronavirus Anxiety Guide:

■      National Suicide Prevention Hotline: Trained crisis worker 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

■      Human Services Consortium of East Harlem Resource Guide (Very comprehensive-Incl housing, food, benefits, childcare) - COVID-19 Resource Guide

■      2-1-1 To find food pantry/ food bank nearby- Food Bank NYC 718.991.4300

■      NYS COVID-19 Domestic  and Sexual Violence Hotline  1-800-942-6906.

■      Lost or Don’t have Health Insurance? Text "CoveredNYC" to 877-877. Health Marketplace extended special enrollment

■      Support- Burial Assistance:

■      National Alliance of Grieving Children:


Featured in PBS Documentary “Mysteries of Mental Illness”

Mental Health Perspectives Among Black Americans Receiving Services From a Church-Affiliated Mental Health Clinic, Psychiatric Services, July 2021

Unequal Care: Mental Health and Black Americans (9/18/20)

First Episode Psychosis Care in COVID-19 (6/12/20):

NYT Letter (4/8/20):

A Physicians Guide to the Cannabidiol Craze (5/31/19):

Medscape at 25: Recognizing Medicine's Rising Stars (12/7/20):

Black Children and the Pressing Need for Antiracism in Child Psychiatry, Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (12/20)